Looking for a Professional Passport Umbrella? Agency PSL insists on using umbrella companies that have Professional Passport accreditation? The following list details Professional Passport accredited Umbrella Companies that should be able to help you.
1st Choice Umbrella |
Abacus |
Accountancy Partners |
Agile Pay |
Azure Global |
Big Fish Group |
Bishopsgate |
Bright Sky |
Compass |
Competex Pro |
Contractor Corner |
Contractor Crowd |
Core Finance Management |
DASA Umbrella |
Edward Thomas |
ePayMe |
Evolve CS Group |
Exceed Outsourcing |
Fair Pay Services |
FastPay |
Fruition Outsourcing Ltd |
Granite bpo |
Green Lantern |
Hargenant Accounts Limited |
Hive Umbrella |
iConsult |
I-PAYE Ltd |
IPS Umbrella Limited |
Kontractor Connect |
Lesters |
Mint |
Mutual Group |
MyPay+ |
Oasis Umbrella |
Once Click Group |
Optimum Pay Group |
Orbital Group |
Ovations Umbrella |
Paico Umbrella |
Paybrella |
Payme |
Pendragon |
People |
Plus |
Propaye |
Quay Umbrella Solutios |
Reliasys |
Ricson Services |
RM Business |
SDP (Same Day Pay) Umbrella |
SJ Pay |
Social Work Employment Services |
Swann Accountants |
Team Platinum Umbrella |
The Contractor Co-op |
Ultra |
Unicorn Development Solutions |
Universal Umbrella |
Westlakes Umbrella |
We’ve compiled this list in good faith based on publicly available information. The Professional Passport list above was correct at the time of publishing but may alter over time, we always recommend checking with the Professional Passport register to make sure of accreditation before engaging the services of any Umbrella Company that claims to be an PP member.