We have compiled the most extensive list of UK Umbrella Companies on the web and we’re not finished there. We’ll continue to add to this list over time. Please get in touch if you are aware of an Umbrella Company that you’d like added to the list.
1st Choice Umbrella |
20/20 Accountancy |
Abacus |
Accountancy Partners |
Advance |
Agile Pay |
Amaze |
Azebra |
Azure Global |
Big Fish Group |
Bishopsgate |
Black Diamond |
Bluebird Accountancy |
Boox |
Bright Sky |
Bright Sky Contracting |
Brookson One |
Carrington |
Champion Contractors |
Charteris Management |
Churchillknight & Associates Ltd |
Churchillknight Umbrella |
Clarity |
Clearsky Contractor Accounting |
Clipper Contracting Group Ltd |
Compass |
Competex Pro |
Contractor Corner |
Contractor Crowd |
Contractor Umbrella |
Core Finance Management |
Crest Plus |
CWCSolutions |
Danbro |
DASA Umbrella |
DNS Accounting Group |
Dolan Accountancy |
Eden Group |
Edward Thomas |
ePayMe |
Evolve CS Group |
Exact Payroll |
Exceed Outsourcing |
Exchequer Solutions |
Fair Pay Services |
FastPay |
First Freelance |
Focused |
Focused Umbrella |
Fore:Two [Group] |
Fruition Outsourcing Ltd |
Gabem |
Generate |
Giant |
Global Challenge Umbrella Services |
Granite BPO |
Green Lantern |
Greenwich Contracts |
Hargenant Accounts Limited |
Health Chart |
Heartland Harrow |
Hive Umbrella |
husp |
iConsult |
ICS Accounting |
ICS Umbrella |
InTouch |
I-PAYE Ltd |
IPS Umbrella Limited |
JSA Consulting |
Key |
Kontractor Connect |
Lesters |
Liquid Friday |
Mango Pay |
Mint |
Mortimer Childe |
Mutual Group |
MyAccountant.co.uk |
MyPay |
MyPay+ |
nasa |
Nixon Williams |
No Worries Umbrella |
Numbermill |
Oasis Umbrella |
Once Click Group |
Optimum Pay Group |
Orange Genie |
Orbital |
Orbital Group |
Ovations Umbrella |
Paico Umbrella |
Parasol |
Paybrella |
Payme |
Payments Pro |
Paystream |
Paywise Consulting |
Pendragon |
Pendragon Consultancy |
People |
Plus |
Propaye |
ProQuest Umbrella |
Quad Management |
Quay Umbrella Solutios |
Reliasys |
Ricson Services |
RM Business |
RM Umbrella |
Sapphire |
SD Payroll Services |
SDP (Same Day Pay) Umbrella |
SJ Pay |
SJD Accountancy |
Smart Work |
Social Work Employment Services |
SPI Accountancy |
SSC Services |
Sterling |
Swann Accountants |
Team Platinum Umbrella |
The Contractor Co-op |
The Indigo Group |
TJW Contractors |
Trafalgar |
Ultra |
Umbrella Company UK |
Umbrella Contracts Limited |
Umbrella Requirements |
umbrella.co.uk |
Umbrellaphant Limited |
Unicorn Development Solutions |
Unique Payroll |
Universal Umbrella |
We Contract |
Westlakes Umbrella |
Workr |
Please note that our list includes accredited and non accredited Umbrella Companies. Accreditation includes the FCSA, Professional Passport and Prism. As there is no official government accreditation or standard for Umbrellas we have taken the decision to include all Brolly’s in our list regardless of accreditation status.